We are a design studio based in Milan devoted to create impact and value. Since 2001 we take care of all the creative aspects for a client list of individuals, brands, institutions and NGOs.
We design everything from businesses to brands to products, from books to bowls to boxes. And a lot more beyond. Our multi-disciplinary experience and expertise covers both brand and product design disciplines so we can help you from initial concept to ultimate expression.
As designers we always build from the roots up. Our process is clear and simple: understand and define a clear vision for the project; explore the visual and conceptual roots of the idea; translate these roots into an authentic social and cultural experience.
We embrace and provoke new ways of thinking and doing in order to help you navigate through rapidly changing competitive environments, applying maximum creativity together with strategy to make each project a success.
Besides studio projects, CREOLO enjoys giving lectures and holding workshops at art & design academies here and there around the globe.
We offer services in:
- trend analysis and researches for new scenarios and concepts' development;
- product and industrial design;
- workshop for product, process and service innovation and training for capacity building;
- strategic design and total branding projects;
- design management and design consulting for new creative industries and start-ups;
- marketing strategies and integrated communication plans;
- art-direction and graphics BTL (corporate identity, catalogues, pubblications);
- adv campaigns and photo shooting services;
- web-design;
- web and social marketing;
- retail design, info-graphics and tools for retail communication;
- packaging, labelling and commercial illustrations/graphics;
- promotional installations and fair booth design;
- conception, coordination, management of events and exhibitions.
We develop made-to-measure innovative design solutions to boost what you have in mind.
Da alcuni anni ho il piacere di conoscere e collaborare professionalmente con il designer Edoardo Perri.
Tra le altre cose, Edoardo è stato mio brillante allievo che ho avuto modo di invitare in diverse occasioni a progetti creativi da me curati o che ci hanno visto collaborare e scambiare visioni nel campo del design e delle arti applicate.
Durante questi anni di conoscenza ho avuto modo di apprezzare non solo la creatività di Edoardo ma anche la sua professionalità nel relazionarsi al committente e nel lavorare e portare a termine un dato compito, curando nei dettagli le diverse fasi del progetto ed in particolare essendo capace di motivare il team di collaboratori e colleghi, nel raggiungimento dei migliori risultati.
La stima e l’apprezzamento personale verso le sue capacità e l’affidabilità della sua professionalità, mi permette di raccomandare Edoardo ed il suo raffinato creativo approccio verso il prodotto, nonché le sue qualità di project leader, senza alcuna riserva [...]
[...] Whomade è un'azienda che fonda il proprio valore sulla rete che ha generato e che continuamente tesse per crescere, spiega il suo fondatore e direttore creativo Edoardo Perri. Pone la propria missione nel mezzo di una crisi in atto da tempo: quella di un settore, l'artigianto tradizionale, che da decenni soffre di un distacco con il mercato e, in alcuni casi, dello sfaldamento del contesto di riferimento su cui basava la costruzione del proprio valore.
Sfruttando questa impasse come un'occasione, Whomade sviluppa strategie proprie per trasformare il limite dell'artigianato in opportunità.
Consulente e produttore allo stesso tempo, progetta connessioni, fisiche e concettuali, attraverso le quali guida l'artigianato nell'implementazione del suo saper fare, per lo sviluppo di nuovi oggetti in linea con i mercati, mantenendo tuttavia vive le pulsioni che caratterizzano l'atto artigianale, diversamente da quello industriale.
"Gli autori dell'innovazione nella rete che va oltre la crisi"
published on "Il Sole 24 Ore, Nòva24, n.219"
He is the creative director of Italian design agency Whomade and founder of Todomundo Fair Design. Graduated in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano (IT), he had sharpened his conceptual capabilities at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (NL), then teaching at the Design Academy Eindhoven (NL), at the Creative Academy (IT) and at the NABA Academy in Milan (IT). Beside his activity as designer, lecturer and art-director, he is promoter of various researches and projects in the fields of the new creative industries and innovative crafts. Along the last ten years he had run creative workshops in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, in collaboration with international NGO’s, National Governments and an extensive network of craftspeople and producers. He keeps imagining and designing for various Italian brands and he is always keen on addressing new cultural and social configurations to develop innovative solutions tuned to the evolutions of contemporaneity.
He was trained as designer at Politecnico di Milano and since 2000 he has developed and managed communication and art-direction projects for some of the best-known and appreciated creative agencies in Milan. After a Master in Design Management at Politecnico di Torino in 2004, he keeps working as project manager in projects of branding, retail design, strategic communication and marketing for Italian and international prominent companies and brands. In 2007 he founds the design studio Whomade, in which he manages the strategic direction and is responsible for the communication. Since 20111, he is permanent design teacher at the NABA Academy in Milan.
Holding a double-degree in Finance and Credit and International Business and Economics at Pavia University, she has grown professional expertise in innovation and performance management applied to the development of new businesses. As consultant and project manager she is collaborating with start-ups, business incubators and agencies, supporting projects in the analysis and the planning of the business development. Since 2015, she collaborates with CREOLO drafting and implementing growth strategies for the management of incremental and radical design-driven innovation.